The Best Places To Cry On Campus During Finals (Or Anytime)

May 7, 2014 at 5:06 pm
We all break down during finals at some point, whether it’s when we realize that no amount of cramming will make up for having attended zero lectures all semester, when our computer crashes and we lose a paper we’ve been working on all night, or when we realize the Lord of the Rings marathon was a baaaad idea. But where to let loose? UTB’s got the crying guide for you.
Best Place to Silently Weep: Fisher Fine Arts If you want to let tears roll poetically down your face, there’s no better place than Fisher Fine Arts. The gorgeous architecture serves as the perfect background for your quiet spiral into insanity and hopelessness. Just be careful to keep the sniffling to a minimum.
Best Place to SABS Cry: Mark's Café If you cry alone in your room and no one’s there to see it, did you really cry at all? Even the unraveling of your mental state can be turned into an opportunity to gain social capital. Make your tears worth it and head to Mark’s Café where you can be sure your TA, freshman year hall-mate and former hookup will all be waiting in line witnessing you sobbing into your Red Bull.
Best Place to Cry About Your Impending Graduation: The Quad Oh no – after taking your last final, the creeping horror sets in: you’re not even a SWUG anymore, you’re a WUG. A Washed-Up Graduate. Return to the Quad and cry as you reminisce about the days of communal bathrooms and rabid squirrel attacks.
Best Place to Sob Hysterically: College Green Face it: the world is a sad, cruel place. You thought this class was a guaranteed A and now you’re teetering on D-dom. You haven’t left your study spot in over 24 hours out of fear that someone else would steal it. Your grip on reality is slowly coming loose. The best place to totally lose it is obviously College Green – on one side, VP, the realm of horror, on the other, College Hall, a place of (once) dreams. Shake a fist at Ben and scream. This is your life now.