5 Things You NEED For Your Dorm

August 20, 2014 at 10:50 am
With NSO only two days away, we've compiled a short list of things you DO NOT want to forget for your freshmen year dorm room. Consider it a peace-offering of sorts. UTB is always looking out.
1) A poster to keep things interesting: No freshmen dorm room is complete without at least one poster that inspires a little doubt in you roommate that they made the right decision. It's important to strike the delicate balance between intrigue and fear for personal safety. We recommend this.
2) A souvenir shot glass: Nothing gets the word out that you're ready to party better than a shot glass from your family trip to Niagara. Trust us, word will spread and the invites will flow like the drinks you'll soon be pouring.
3) Two Microfridges: You might be thinking, "But wait, isn't one microfridge enough?" No. One of the most cited reasons for roommate strife in housing surveys is microfridge drama. You want to heat up EasyMac, he wants Cup-O-Noodles, and time is of the essence. Add to that the complication of yogurt mix-ups and water bottle switches and you might consider lofting you bed a few feet higher.
4) An attractive, though realistic picture of that special someone: Everyone deserves to enter college with a story of that girl/boy from camp that was sooooo great, but just didn't work out. This one is tricky, because chances are your new friend's cousin's boy friend's sister was probably in your bunk.
5) Lastly, whatever you need to make this.
Take all our suggestions? Feel free to send us a picture at tips@underthebutton.com