Econ TA Has "Dun Goofed"

September 23, 2014 at 1:24 pm
There’s a new twist to the crazy professor emails:
they’re now from TAs. The culprit? Wikipedia, which one ECON001 TA consulted for the wrong formula. The poor TA “really made of hash of explaining this,” but it's OK because he admittedly doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Word to the wise: the Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns says that the more you use Wikipedia, the less helpful it becomes. Isn't that right, Mr. TA?
UPDATE: The Econ TA in question has responded in a letter to the editor, linked here! Snaps for you, Nick Janetos (anonymity gone!) – we love your snarky tone. Definitely apply to write for UTB next semester.