Locust Flaikus
October 31, 2014 at 2:33 pm
Happy Halloween to all you provocative animals, doctors, fruits, buildings, and the like! It's not even 3 p.m., but nevertheless we hope you're already drinking and getting ready, because this weekend is what we've waited all month for. Why not ponder over some flowery poetry while practicing your sexy meow? Nothing says hot and dangerous like haikus!
For the hermits who
don't know, it's tomorrow. This
flyer is pointless
Forget your darty,
come soberly indulge in
Penn spirit instead
World Vegan Day Philadelphia Food Extravaganza
Food is better than
sports anyway, so ditch the
football for quinoa
iNtuitons Experimental Theatre Company Presents: Opposite of Loneliness, A (Dis)Connection Project
theatre for all of us
just don't bring your phone
Asian Pacific American Heritage Week 2014 | Revolution | #APAHW2014
Asians, come honor
your heritage; non-Asians,
tag along! Free food.