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What's HapPENNing?

Welcome back to What's HapPENNing, where we aggregate the week's events into one post and give you a sense of what's to come. From philanthropic drinking to the modestly named Wharton's Got Talent show, there's bound to be something you're interested in this week. Or maybe you just like roving through the Internet, and we're fine with that too. UTB lets you be you. 

Greek Power Down Challenge

When: All day, all of November

- Frats and sororities will battle it out to see who is more eco-friendly. If anything, it's another excuse to keep the lights off ;). 

On Wednesdays We Wear Pink: Panel with Susan G. Komen,

When: Wednesday 6 – 7:30 p.m.

Where: Café 58 Irvine Auditorium

- A good Mean Girls pun never goes unnoticed! If you're interest in hearing stories from breast cancer survivors and learning more about Susan G. Komen, hit this up and definitely wear pink. 

FTC Presents: The Shadow Box

When: Thursday 7 p.m., Friday 8:30 p.m., Saturday 2 p.m.

Where: Houston Hall, Class of ’49 Auditorium

- Unwind on a Thursday with a show featuring a Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award winning story. This show seems very moving and the tickets are only $8, so give it the old 1, 2 try.

Penn Singers Light Opera Co. Presents: Sweeney Todd

When: Thursday 8 p.m., Friday 9 p.m., Saturday 1 p.m. and 9 p.m.

Where: Annenberg Center

- This show promises to deliver “violent and erotic horror with social commentary,” so we assume they’ll be reenacting some scenes from this past weekend. But in actuality, this tale of a demon barber who makes human pies is perfect dose of “things could be worse” that you need to power through papers and exams this week.

Study Abroad Fair

When: Friday 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Where: Houston Hall

- You and 1000 other students will be fighting for space as you try to get the 411 on what programs are offered abroad. Make sure to ask the important questions and figure out which cities are closest to Oktoberfest/where you can get those lederhosen. Priorities.

Xposing the Myths of Pre-Med Culture

When: Friday 4 – 6 p.m.

Where: Huntsman 270

- Get some tips about med-school from someone other than that guy you knew who studied for his MCAT forever and didn't pass so that means you won’t pass since you like, know him pretty well. Current med students, premed students, and pre-health advisors will be here to calm your nerves, and you'll get dinner too!

Onda Latina and African Rhythms Present: Ojalá: A New Stage

When: Friday 8 p.m., Saturday 2 p.m. and 8 p.m.

Where: Iron Gate Theater (3700 Chestnut Street)

- These two hot groups come together for their fall show. Ah, the trailer says it all.

CityStep Open Bar at Blarney

When: Friday 9:30 p.m. – midnight

Where: The Blarney Stone

- $17 for a three hour open bar! Engage in philanthropic drinking with the members of CityStep so that they can fund their program and teach Philly youths how to twerk. We can't promise that Jon Huntsman will be there, but he's proven unpredictable

Undergraduate Healthcare Conference

When: Saturday 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Where: International House Philadelphia (3701 Chestnut Street)

- If you’re even remotely interested in healthcare, it seems like this is the place for you. An all-day healthcare summit featuring keynote speech Dr. P. Roy Vagelos! There will be Case competition and panels about healthcare ethics, the business of healthcare, and the future of health IT.

Philly Zine Fest 2k14

When: Sunday 12 p.m. – 6 p.m.

Where: The Rotunda (4014 Walnut Street)

- A showcase of local artists and “zinesters” that bring “DIY, radical, whimsical, and artistic small press publications to the public.” If you’re interested in connecting with Philly writers or get your bike fixed(?), you should check out the vendors.


Wharton’s Got Talent

When: Sunday 7:30 p.m.

Where: Harrison Auditorium, Penn Museum, 3260 South Street

We thought the name of this event spoke volumes, but then we heard that tickets are 30 DOLLARS. Not the most sound investment? There will be performances by groups with names ranging from ambiguous to quite literal (Huntsman Hall Mafia, Guitar and Keyboard), and you get to vote on the winner. 
