There Is A Rhodes Scholar Among Us
December 6, 2014 at 7:11 pm
After a five-year dry spell, Penn finally gets a Rhodes Scholar – that's what they call someone who's won one of the oldest and most prestigious scholarships from Oxford University. So meet Rutendo Chigora, College senior, Penn World Scholar, Benjamin Franklin Scholar, and now Rhodes Scholar. Safe to say she's pretty smart. As a busy IR and polisci major, she has no time for you. Her side hustles include: founding ZW Connect, editing for the Sigma Iota Rho Journal for International Relations, and being the caliber of student your parents always wanted you to be. She even received a personal, tweeted congratulations from Dean Deturck.
Congratulations to International Relations major and College Cognoscenti member Rutendo Chigora, just announced Rhodes Scholar!
— dennis deturck (@deanddt) December 5, 2014
Now that we're all a little more inspired, let's collectively step it up. Check the DP article for more deets.