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Cookies and Crime Scene Photos

Yesterday in a forensic science class, an officer with the Pennsylvania State Police came to campus to present photos of a recent Philadelphia homicide. This was so that students could learn about the necessity of hard science to support litigative measures. A troop of young Girl Scouts also came, for obvious reasons. They can be such Tagalongs

Actually though, this professor was seemingly concerned that students might be grossed out by scenes of blood and violence, so she decided that a band of merry Girl Scouts with a cookie cart might be the way to win back her students' affections. Each class member got a box, rounding out the kindest act of goodwill we've seen yet this February. Although it's unclear as to whether or not the Scouts will earn shockingly specific badges for assisting a forensic science professor, at least we can confirm that they've learned valuable information about the science of homicide. 
