What's HapPENNing?
February 16, 2015 at 12:04 pm
The dirty little rodent seems to have been correct. It is so cold outside we don't expect you to leave your rooms, but, if you do, there happens to be a lot of stuff going on this week. So put on your boots and throw on that fur-hooded jacket, because campus is buzzing.
Tuesday: Punch Bowl Musings Issue Launch Party, 8-9 p.m., Huntsman F60
Come chill with some of Penn's funniest writers (we would know) and scarf down some Insomnia Cookies. Confused why it's happening in Huntsman? Irony people, irony.
Babeland--Making Safer Sex Sexy, 7-9 p.m., Bodek Lounge
Support the UPenn V-Day Movement and hear from some sexperts to add some more spice and safety to your sex life. Here's to hoping for some goody-bags.
Wednesday: Feminista Jones, 6-7 p.m., Kelly Writer's House
Hear from award winning, outspoken writer and blogger talk about what matters to her as a "mental health social worker, author, community activists, and sex-positive Black feminist woman from New York City." If her self-definition doesn't intrigue you, what will?!
Thursday: Opening Night of Bloomer Presents-Ship Happens, 8:30 p.m. Thursday & Saturday, 9 p.m. Friday, Class '49 Auditorium
Like comedy? Like music? Like nautical puns? You like Bloomers!
Friday: Alternative Spring Break Quizzo, 7-8:30 p.m., Terrace Room, Claudia Cohen Hall
Support ASB, win free food and drinks, and prove how much useless trivia you have contained in your over-worked brain.
Saturday: Penn Human Rights Conference 10:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m., JMHH 270
Make some time in your weekend for things that matter and feel like you actually deserve your Saturday night.