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What's HapPENNing?

The Drop deadline has passed, and since you have so much free time now, you can happily acquiesce to the demands of Locust flyer-ers and Facebook inviters alike. But what events should you go to? Which performing arts deserve your hard-earned Behavioral Lab 10 bucks? Here are our picks.

Vote on the Referendum to Divest for Fossil Fuels

When: Today (through Friday)

Where: Online

What: Should the Trustees divest our endowment from fossil fuels? Good question. Read up on the referendum here, and read about the free stuff you can get for voting here.

Why: Because it's actually a big deal. It's the first referendum in 6 years, and you have a say in how Penn spends its $20bn pool of cash!

Cooper & Cooper: Renting in NYC Workshop

When: Tuesday @ 12:15pm

Where: Huntsman 340

What: Career Services brings NYC real estate brokers to campus 

Why: So you can start stressing about whether Chelsea or TriBeCa has the best cute coffee shops to distance from Morgan Stanley ratio


When: Friday and Saturday @ 8pm

Where: Irvine

What: Probably the biggest and one of the most important social justice movements on campus. And, like, a huge scene in a huge auditorium with a sold out crowd.

Why: Because it's impossible to walk past the vagina costume on Locust and not buy a ticket

Engineering E-Week

When: All week

Where: Engineering places (sorry we don't know what any of those buildings are)

What: We randomly feel super jealous of Engineers this week, with events like Wednesday's Tower Building (highest possible tower out of only newspaper and tape that can hold a tennis ball on top)

Why: If you're an Engineer, you'll be in those parts anyways, so why not get some free food out of it?

Philly Pick of the Week: Penn Museum Celebrates African Cultures

When: Saturday, 11am-4pm

Where: Penn Museum

What: All-day celebration of African cultures with tons of free stuff (Penn students get in free)

Why: Admittedly, it's not so far off-campus, but who can pass up a Bell Dance Workshop and pop-up African market? And, it's cooler than togas (just sayin').
