Most Depressing Places On Campus, Volume XII: The Love Statue

February 9, 2016 at 3:29 pm
Ah, the LOVE Statue. A truly iconic piece of our campus.
More than likely, you took a picture in front of it with all your new friends during NSO. Maybe your mom made you pose with her in front of it during Parents' Weekend. The LOVE Statue is normally associated with happy memories, with friends, with family, with significant others.
But as Valentine's Day approaches, the statue might start to seem a little more grim. As you pass it walking your single self to class every morning, it taunts you, mocking your obvious bitterness. It laughs at your loneliness. The feeling only gets worse when you begin to spot couples taking V-Day selfies with it, preparing to flaunt their relationships on the Internet. Walk fast and avoid eye contact, lest one of the couples asks you to take their picture.
Come Sunday, your Instagram feed will be flooded with images of the garish red letters, glaring menacingly out at you.
You can't run, you can't hide – the LOVE Statue knows just how single you are.