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Upenn.snaps Snapchat Account Is Quite Scandalous

Have you ever wondered what your nextdoor neighbor was eating for breakfast? What your freshman roommate's boyfriend's cat looks like? What nude white collegiate boys look like with Snapchat geofilters superimposed over their boyish bodies? Sure you have. Which is why you should follow upenn.snaps on Snapchat immediately. The account is supposedly meant to highlight the "raunchier" side of Penn... but take that with a grain of salt.

The real question is, who is behind it? A lone freshman who spends too much free time watching VH1? The moderator of the Ivy League Snapchat? A bored group of Drexel guys?

It remains still a mystery. In the mean time, follow upenn.snaps before it's too late. Or better yet, follow US @underthebutton.
