Welcome To Owls, Mr. Wharton!
May 2, 2016 at 2:23 pm
It’s the end of the year and even the freshmen are jaded. It can be easy to lose your Quaker spirit when you’re scrambling to finish your dining dollars, making yourself (literally) sick on the food from Commons.
That is why at this time, we’d like to extend a big Thank You to this Hungarian pre-frosh aka Mr. Wharton aka THE IVY MAN. Seeing the enthusiasm of this extremely wealthy baby Quaker brings us back to a better time – one where, we too, drove around announcing our access to higher education.
Anyway, we are so glad that this model and his man bun have committed to Penn. On behalf of Owls/Castle/Zete, we’d like just to say, Welcome Mr. Wharton – THE IVY MAN!