I Forgot About Daylight Saving Time And Now I Am One Hour In The Future

Photo from Pxhere / CC0
November 7, 2016 at 5:21 pm
I never thought it would happen to me.
On November 5, 2016, I missed it: instead of setting the clocks back one hour and repeating 1:00 AM, I moved straight ahead, carefree, to 2:00 AM (which customarily follows 1:59 AM on Sundays that do not bookend Daylight Saving Time). This was my fatal mistake.
I had set alarms, tacked up sticky notes, called my mother—all with the same message: “Don't forget!” knowing full well what would happen if I did. The reminders resonated in my head all day. Nonetheless, I awoke Sunday morning with a strange feeling, almost like I was one hour in the future.
And I was! Separated were my body and mind from the standard timeline, cast away from reality like lepers from civilization. I could see, but more than that. I could really see. I was omnipotent; I was a god.
Beneath me a wormhole began to form, pulling and stretching my body into an oblong form, twisting it into higher dimensions. I ascended (not to heaven, no—there is no God anymore!) to a realm uncharted by common men. All of Time, nonlinear, flew past my face in an instant, repeating, distorting. After countless eternities I yearned for liberation, but the familiar concepts of beginning and end existed no more.
Finally, I awoke for a second time, in bed, my alarm blaring. It was Monday, 9:00 AM, and I had calculus recitation. Upon arrival, the classroom was empty. No one appeared for another hour. Realizing my nightmare continued, I shouted at the sky, but the curses fell on deaf ears. How cruel to be trapped in this loop, a single hour in the future, until the end of time! Or until March 12, 2017— whichever comes first.
Learn from my mistake. Do not forget Daylight Saving Time.