Trump Victory Prompts The Daily Pennsylvanian To Be Hacked By Russians

December 7, 2016 at 6:30 pm
Yes, this actually happened. Last week, DP staffers were rather puzzled when perusing Google Analytics. At the time of this article, " You are invited! Enter only with this ticket URL Copy it. Vote for Trump!" is not a language and raised general alarm in the DP newsroom.
Upon further investigation, DPeople discovered that this odd data is the result of a Google Analytics hack on the part of Russian Trump fanatic by the name of Vitaly Popov. Reportedly, Popov has been using a robot to create fake website visits and push the Pro-Trump message into the language field.
We reached out to DP President Colin Henderson (W'17) for comment, to which he responded, "Fam, I'm graduating in a week - go bug Carter and Dan with this LOLOLOL!"
After that productive interview, we reached out to incoming Executive Editor of the DP, Dan Spinelli (C'18). On the status of the DP, Spinelli told us that, "We will not be intimidated by hackers of any nationality or persuasion. Our mission to provide spicy memes and occasionally good journalism to the Penn community will continue."
Incoming DP President Carter Coudriet commented,"I have finals. You and the Russians can leave me alone," and reportedly dabbed.
Regardless of the actions on the part of The Daily Pennsylvanian, we are sure that Jill Stein will be launching a full investigation into the matter.