10 Penn Relays Events Anyone Can Do

Photo by Alvin Loke / CC 2.0
April 27, 2017 at 11:32 am
The Penn Relays begin today! But we get that if you're not a track star, you might be feeling a little left out this weekend. Luckily, we've come up with 10 Penn Relays events that you can totally pull off.
- Speedwalk from the High Rises to DRL
- Attend a marathon of classes: 8am to 6pm
- Hurdle five Locust Bricks
- Sprint 100 meters on a treadmill at Pottruck (1st floor) then immediately go home because you're done exercising
- Climb the DRL stairs to get to 8am math recitation
- Go up and down one escalator in Huntsman
- Carry six bags of groceries three blocks from FroGro (RIP) to your house
- Pregame a darty and then manage to stay alive after 4pm
- Dodge eight flyerers on Locust - bonus if you avoid the DP guy at the compass
- Ascend the corporate ladder of your dad's company