Fresh Grocer Unveils 'Halo Top Cam' to Broadcast Ice Cream Availability

The Daily Pennsylvanian File Photo
September 25, 2017 at 2:39 pm
You know the drill. Stumble into Fro Gro in your pajamas on the hunt for something sweet. Replay your mom’s plentiful reminders to “watch your calorie intake because this isn’t high school anymore, sweetie.” Meander over to the frozen section. Feel wronged when the only Halo Top ice cream pint left is Strawberry. Ignore your mom’s pleas, buy the better tasting Ben & Jerry’s instead, eat the entire pint, and later realize you played yourself.
Those days are long gone.
Fresh Grocer has just introduced the release of Halo Top Cam, a livestreamed video so you can check their stock of sub-300 calorie protein “ice cream” from the comfort of your own bed instead of walking those two grueling blocks.
The Cam can also give you notifications if you want to watch your friends’ entertaining internal battle between Halo Top and a satisfying dessert, learn when Birthday Cake and Peanut Butter Cup are running low, or be reminded to buy $50 worth for your house’s Bachelor Monday.
Beyoncé can see your Halo, and now you can see Fro Gro’s.