Fraternity Fails to Renew Lease, Ends Up Living in Gregory

Photo: The Daily Pennsylvanian
October 26, 2017 at 12:39 pm
Whether it’s camping outside of Campus Apartments for 48 hours or making plans to move in with your freshman hall (who you’ll definitely be friends with forever), the quest to find housing can be tough. For the brothers of Omega Chi Rho (OCR), finding housing just got a little tougher.
After failing to renew their lease, the popular on-campus fraternity lost their chapter house. It's the fault of their housing chair, James Silverio (C ‘20), who was responsible for turning in the completed leasing documents. Instead, he was submitting his withdrawal form from Geology 100. “It was an honest mistake,” Silverio explained, “I just haven’t been the same since taking that midterm. So many rocks."
With few options left, the fraternity will spend the 2018-2019 school year living in Gregory College House. “At this point, we don’t really have a choice. That being said, we’re optimistic. Sure, there’s no air conditioning and sure, we will have to attend weekly hall meetings with an RA, but we hear there is a 'lively house community' here and who doesn’t want that? I’ve also heard rumors that Dean Furda himself lives on the third floor. Pretty sweet,” said Silverio.
Other members of the fraternity aren’t quite on board yet. “It’s a good location, but not exactly the kind of place you would want to host a late night,” said Bennett Johnson (W ‘19). “How are we supposed to haze -- I mean initiate -- our pledges if we have to swipe them all in?” Another member, Sam Koons (C ‘20), shared Johnson’s concern. “Where are we going to play pong? The lounge?”
Koons admitted that there is one upside: “At least we won't get shut down here.”