Eight Gorgeous Orchards You Can Visit, Take a Picture, and Leave

Photo from Pxhere / CC0
November 1, 2017 at 5:58 pm
Love cute profile pictures but despise nature? UTB sent its reporters across the Northeast to find the perfect orchards that you can visit and take a picture before immediately getting back into your roommates' Honda Accord and getting the hell out of there. Channel your faux-Thoreau and take a trip to these great locations!
1. This orchard
Wow, this one's a beaut. It's got all the hallmarks of a great orchard: apples, apple trees that are in a row, and apples on the ground that you can roll your ankle on before looking around to see if anyone saw you eat shit. It's perfect for a quick snap-and-go.
2. This one works too
Hell yeah. Look at these apples and the leaves that are all red or whatever. What a great place to take a picture and gratify yourself with the double-taps of people you barely know!
3. Also this
Tired of the same old orchard pic that looks the same as all the other ones? Try this one on for size, we promise that it's somehow different than every other picture just like it and it will set you apart from the crowd!
4. Hey, this one's got apples too!
Who would've guessed it? What a great find! Bonus points for barrels with apples on top of them rather than inside of them.
5. This one is great as well
Shit. Look at this orchard. This one might be even better than the last one, there's even a tractor sitting there. Impress your friends by leaning against the tractor with a piece of straw in your mouth, acting like you're not from Westchester.
6. We really like this one
Power plant, power move. For an edgier pic, marry your love of nature and industrial imagery with this great orchard.
7. You'd be a fool not to consider this bangin' orchard
Are you kidding me? Look at this place. The lighting is great for oversaturation and for channeling your inner J.J. Abrams with killer lens flares.
8. Last but not least
We'd be remiss if we failed to mention this orchard. It's quaint, green, and just as good as any other old place you can find.
What're you waiting for? Go out and gain social media supremacy (or at least tide yourself over until your winter profile picture)!
Photos courtesy of Porsche Brosseau (CC 2.0), Max Pixel (CC0), jklugiewicz (CC0), pixel2013 (CC0), sadie423 (CC0), Juliancolton (CC0), Kgbo (CC 4.0), Lumix2004 (CC0)