Plot Twist: Wharton Senior Skips Super Day To Attend Class

RoyalAnwar / CC0
November 4, 2017 at 3:22 pm
Martin O’Malley (W ’18) was offered an all-inclusive trip to New York City to interview with four managing directors at J.K Morgan. The firm graciously offered to pay for O’Malley’s transportation (hello Amtrak, peace out Megabus) and a night at the cheapest hotel next to the corporate headquarters. How could anyone say no?
In an unprecedented move never before seen in Wharton’s history, O’Malley declined the super day invitation.
“I just have a lot of class and work on Thursdays. I really don’t want to miss my three hour seminar FNCE240: Excel and Its Functions,” said O’Malley.
The Whartonite’s decision was a shock to his closest friends and family.
“I mean, we’re in Wharton. The entire point is to get a job. None of us go to class at this point. What is he doing?” remarked Sarah Whittington, an incoming analyst at McKinsey, as she paced around MBA Cafe in utter shock.
In another surprising turn of events, O’Malley added that he wanted to use the time he would have spent at the interview to “hang out with friends more” and “participate in community service and social impact”.
“This is unheard of,” exclaimed Wharton classmate Joe Christianson. “Turning down an interview offer for volunteerism? This kid obviously does not belong here.”
After a couple moments of thought, Christianson added, "Wait, if he turned down the offer, do you think they're still recruiting? I still haven't found a job."