BYO Soul: The Penn Interfaith Council Advertises Its Winter Get-Together In A Mostly Wholesome Email

Photo by Charlottetn / CC0
December 3, 2017 at 12:28 pm
Hello all—
Season's greetings! I hope that everything is going swimmingly as the semester begins to wind down. I know that I am personally excited to put a nice big checkmark next to 2017 on my Gregorian calendar.
Before we do that, the Penn Interfaith Council will have our long-awaited post-Eid al-Adha/Rosh Hashanah/Yom Kippur and pre-Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/Christmas (all traditions welcome, now including secular consumerist observers!)/Yalda/Yule/ BYO! Hurrah!
Please note that this BYO is a completely different event than that of our Post-Summer Break, Pre-Winter Break BYO. If you sign up for one event, do not just show up at the other BYO willy-nilly. Everyone is valued and welcome, except of course if you fail to RSVP to the correct Google Form. Those people can go straight to a mildly unpleasant yet ideally eternal afterlife.
We will meet at the Covenant at 7:30 on Thursday and SEPTA together to the restaurant. I've heard only wonderful things about the space, it's a vibrant spot with an excellent, tasteful menu that has been crafted with both zeal and discipline. Good stuff all around.
Tokens provided. BYO spirit(s).
Hope to see you all there!
Timothy Timson.