Freshman With Reloaded Dining Dollars Feels Renewed Sense of Self

Photo by stevepb / CC0
January 27, 2018 at 12:28 pm
The beginning of a new semester has so many new and exciting things in store: textbooks you won’t buy until the night before the midterm, cuties in your Math 114 recitation that sort of make the cross-country journey to DRL worth it, and pests living off of hoarded Skinny Pop and cheese balls in your dorm room (probably the same mice who were responsible for last semester’s nightly anxiety attacks).
Best of all, your Penn Card goes from sad paperweight to your own official Sugar Daddy Identification Token when the dining dollars start aflowin’ once again. Jack Pollard (W ’21) particularly agrees.
“August and September, I felt like I was walking around with free money, which was actually the result of many years’ worth of my parents’ hard work. But it felt free to me!” Pollard exclaims. “Spicy bowls, chips and guac, and all sorts of mediocre but better than dining hall food were mine. ‘Another day, another dining dollar,’ as I said.”
“Then winter came, and it came hard. Sure, I still SABSed outside of Frontera in the freezing cold, though my familiar torta and was not by my side. I still trolled Houston to steal plastic ware and napkins for my room, but I did so pizza-free. It was the worst of times. I even picked up yoga for a while,” Pollard continued.
Pollard feels rejuvenated now that his pockets are thicc once again, ready to purchase all of the Ben & Jerry’s and grilled chicken sandwiches his heart desires. Or perhaps those are just the benefits of yoga catching up to him.