'I Need a Fucking Break,' Says Student Who Just Got Back From Break

Photo from pxhere / CC0
January 21, 2018 at 4:16 am
As students continue to readjust to campus life and new classes, many are enthusiastic for the opportunities presented by a new semester. Others, however, are not as excited. Frank Vago, a sophomore in Wharton, was among the students that expressed a need for vacation after being on campus for only two days.
“I just need a fucking break from this place,” said Vago in an interview. “We should really have, like, a break after winter break. I think it’s something the student body should all rally behind, after we get Penn to divest in fossil fuels and do other more important stuff like that. I know I just got back from Mar-a-Lago, but I could really use another trip, honestly.”
Vago also believes that the university should fund student vacations to tourist hotspots in Latin America. “If we’re already paying $70,000 a year to be here, I think the school has some funding to spare. I don't see the point of a 1.2 billion dollar English building. With that money, we can all go somewhere nice for spring break.”
Vago is an international student from Australia. Like many other Australian students, his flights back home tend to take up significant portions of his holiday break. Every fall break, he spends more than $1000 on plane tickets to spend less than an hour with his family.
“It’d just be nice to be able to spend another couple hours back home. Even if it’s a three-day break just two weeks after school starts, at least I’ll have time to go home and eat dinner with my family before having to suffer in this hellhole again.”