Plot Twist: This Wealthy Girl With Royal Ancestry Didn't Join Tabard

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January 18, 2018 at 1:12 am
Oh, sorority rush. A time for freshmen to explore new types of people and activities pick the group of friends most similar to themselves and accrue small talk skills for their future networking events at Bain.
This year, however, things were different. In a move unprecedented in Panhellenic history, a wealthy girl with family ties to the Dutch royal family decided not to join Tabard.
Much to the surprise of those around her, Seinna Kensington (C ’21) joined Omega Alpha Kappa (known as OAK) this past Sunday.
“I was shook,” said OAK recruitment chair Julie Perkins. “Should we buy expensive cheeses for her? Have our next sorority chapter in Domus? I just don’t know what to do to make her feel more comfortable.”
Other sisters expressed similar concerns. “I’ve never once smoked outside Van Pelt. I’m just not sure how I’m supposed to relate to this girl,” said sophomore Christina Zhou.
Despite their apparent differences, Kensington and the rest of the new OAK pledge class showed up to bid day with white Stan Smiths, new iPhone Xs, and strong desires to pick apples at Linvilla.