Secret Society Hires Formal Photographer

Photo from Pixnio / CC0
January 30, 2018 at 8:30 pm
Secret society Pi Alpha Sigma, known in public by its members as only "The Society" in the interest of discretion, has hired a professional photographer for its upcoming Spring Formal.
Defined on campus only in rumors of its powerful alumni network and secretive initiation rituals, Phi Alpha Sigma successfully booked Philadelphia-area photography student and event photographer Ben Correa.
"They were chill," said Correa of his Facebook-messaged arrangements with the group, known for excommunicating brothers who publicly reveal their identities, "maybe a little awkward."
In a statement by PAS obtained by UTB, group President James R. (W '20) stated, "We the society of brothers, sworn to secrecy, are pleased to inform everybody of a super great photographer for our formal. Everybody get your smiles ready!"
At press time, dates and brothers are still unaware of the time and place of the event.