OP-ED: Sure, Elon Musk Put a Car in Space, But Did He Get an A-Plus in Writing Sem Like Me?

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February 23, 2018 at 11:23 am
Everyone’s getting really worked up these days about Elon Musk’s (W ’97, C '98) big rocket hobby. Sure, I have to admit that putting a car in space is pretty cool and all, but come on. One Quaker to another, we have to admit that there are things more impressive than that.
You remember Writing Sem? The class that teaches you how to write—nay, how to think—like a cultured intellectual? The University’s truest litmus test for greatness?
Well, I got an A in it.
But not just any old A.
An A-plus.
Chew on that, Elon. Sure, you may have the money, fame, and success that comes with being a revolutionary technological innovator. But you’ll never have what I have, and I know that must sting.
While you’re thinking about that, could you respond to my SpaceX application? It’ll only take a minute. I promise.