Sophomore Doesn’t Know Anyone In Dance Troupe But Still Cried During Their Senior Montage

Photo by nikidinov / CC0
February 20, 2018 at 4:51 am
Last Thursday, Becca Goldstein (C ’20) was dragged to Iron Gate Theater to watch her roommate’s friend’s dance performance.
“I’d rather eat a rotten melon than be here on my Thursday night," sighed Goldstein. "I don’t know a single soul in this dance troupe, but Monica is making me go."
It was reported that Goldstein was on her phone for the duration of the two-hour show, barely paying attention to the stage until the last dance number. At that point, the projector over the stage lit up with the words, “We Love You, Seniors!” while Graduation (Friends Forever) by Vitamin C played over the loud speaker.
As photos of the senior dancers, whom Goldstein had never seen in her entire life, flashed across the screen, the sophomore began to openly weep.
“Four years just goes by way too fast, doesn’t it?” cried Goldstein as some of the younger dance members, who were also strangers to the sophomore, congratulated the older members on their upcoming graduation.
When the dance troupe returned to the stage for a final number, Goldstein dried up her tears and went back to her phone.