Student Against Cutthroat Wharton Culture Prefers Cutthroat Pre-Med Culture Instead
Photo By KF / CC BY 2.0
February 1, 2018 at 4:00 pm
Jenny Kalz (C ’21) had been through enough. From the hyper-competitive environment in her classes to the humble-bragging about Bain & Company internships, Wharton was just too cutthroat for her to continue in the school. So, this brave freshman left Wharton and transferred to the College to study BBB. “It’s just way less stressful!” she said, apparently unaware of reality.
Though she was concentrating in finance before the transfer, she realized how much she enjoys studying science. “I think I’m going to try pre-med,” said Kalz, packing away her “business casual” pencil skirt. “I didn't like the competition in Wharton,” she explained, blissfully ignorant of the even more competitive pre-med track.
Kalz enrolled in CHEM 101 and MATH 114, thus starting her pre-med career. On the first day she sat next to a girl whose expansive pack of colored pens and pages of notes did not stop her from claiming that she felt “totally unprepared” for the exam next month. Such comments were just what Kalz wanted, however. “I’ve found my people,” she said, already two months behind.