Senior En Route to Social Event Finds Themselves Back on the Floor of Their Room Eating Yogurt

Photo by Pixabay / CC0
February 7, 2018 at 5:54 pm
Ann Thomaty (C '18) was all set to go out last saturday night. She put on pants, contacts, and drank a single hard cider: undeniable evidence that she was committed to doing some top quality, half-assed dancing with her friends.
All was well. Her and her small group started out on Spruce. It was a mere two block walk until she was at the party. In the middle of block 1.5, a force stronger than herself compelled her to keep walking past the house. Her friends called after her, stretching out their arms helplessly to stop her from straying.
Soon, Ann was gone. She swerved hard, not knowing her destination. The path she trod was familiar, the importance of her mission clear. Ann describes the experience as an out-of-body, almost epiphanic one. When her consciousness finally descended from the higher plane it had been walking, she was back in the warm belly of her apartment.
She awoke in fetal position, clutching a sizable bucket of huckleberry yogurt and swaddled in the warm embrace of her least grimy towel. Ann would try to go out again in a couple of weeks, but, for this weekend, the combined power of huckleberry yogurt, not having to wear pants, and the gentle comfort of solitude kept her inside. All was well.