'This is the Hardest Week, and Then I’m Done,' Says Junior Every Week Since February

Photo by caio-triana / CC0
April 29, 2018 at 11:58 pm
Junior Ben Collins (C ‘19) has two notable qualities: he’s an optimist, and he’s a procrastinator. Whenever schoolwork gets tough, he keeps his head up. “You’ve gotta have some dark times to appreciate the good ones,” he always thinks to himself. During every difficult, stressful week he has, Collins thinks of the bright future ahead.
The only problem is that every week for Collins is a tough week. His constant procrastination always manages to come back and bite him. Despite his consistent library grind sessions that amount to nothing, fad diets, or short spurts of discipline, Ben Collins has never been able to get a weeks' worth of work done in a week. Between his busy schedule and his inability to get any work done at all whatsoever, Collins is at the mercy of his workload.
It seems that whenever he’s bogged down, he tells himself and everyone around him, “I’m alright. This week’s hard, but then I’m done.” Or, “I’ve just got to hang in there for another few days, and then I’m cruising for the rest of the semester.” But Collins hasn’t caught a break since February. Now preparing for finals, Collins has once more said, “This is it. One more week of exams, and then I’m done for the semester.”
What Collins hasn’t considered, however, is his unpaid internship this summer at a startup with three employees and a history of poor working conditions. Bad luck just seems to find certain people.