Entrepreneurial Win: This Wharton Student Books GSRs to Auction Off to Measly College Students

Photo by Luke Chen / The Daily Pennsylvanian
May 3, 2018 at 12:56 pm
It may be finals week, but that doesn’t mean business has to stop. Justin Kanter (W '19) didn’t want to suppress his entrepreneurial spirit just because of finals, but he wasn’t sure how he could possibly profit off of the masses while everyone was studying.
But then inspiration struck. As Justin is from the Upper East Side of Manhattan, he planned to go home to study until his first final on May 7th. So, instead of booking GSRs for himself, Justin booked GSRs with 30 minute intervals between each reservation for several days in a row, to auction off to desperate College students. He even asked a friend from the Engineering school to create a website for students to bid on particular GSR times.
“I’m not even in the marketing concentration, but I figured there was a real market for GSRs that I should take advantage of. I’m honestly surprised that no one else has done this!” Justin told us.
So far, the highest bid listed for a half hour in a GSR is $375.