Group Member Roasting Senior at Arts Show Actually Meant It

Photo from Pixabay / CC0
May 3, 2018 at 11:27 pm
It is a tradition in Spring arts shows for younger members in the groups to bid farewell to their senior counterparts, often accompanied by some light roasting. All fun and games, right?
Unfortunately, Arjun Gupta (E ’20), the MC of Penn Dalchini—an Indian acapella group—took it a bit too far.
“Sanjay, I’ve never despised a person more than you in my entire time at Penn," he began. "Remember when you tried to transfer to Wharton after freshman year and failed miserably? What was your GPA again—like 3.85? Idiot!”
The audience, not sure how to react, stayed silent. Group members on stage shuffled awkwardly. Taking a breath, Gupta finished off his roast.
“Honestly, it’s been real man," he said putting his hand over his heart. "I love you, and I wish you the best of luck at work next year,” Gupta said, reminding everyone of Sanjay’s lack of a position for the upcoming year.
"I think I have a real career as an insult comic," Gupta said later.