Rising Junior Ecstatic to Return to Wearing Athleisure Every Day

Photo from MaxPixel / CC0
August 15, 2018 at 9:34 am
According to a school-wide survey, Alex Travers (W ’20) is one of the six students excited to return to school this month.
After 10, 60-hour weeks of business formal, she’ll finally be able to wear athleisure whenever she wants.
“You know, you never know what you have until it’s gone,” said Travers, who just finished her internship this past Friday. Currently wearing a XXL Penn Dad shirt, sweats, and birkenstocks, she added, “Once I get back to campus, it’ll be socially acceptable for me to wear leggings and sports bras every day of the week.”
Plus, Travers reportedly can’t wait to go back to Pottruck this fall. She plans to work out every week “until October or November," when her crippling academic workload sucks up all of her free time and energy.
Still, the junior remains optimistic. “I’ll never wear heels and a blazer again,” she declared, “…at least until OCR starts.”