What Freshmen Had to Say About the Annual NSO Masquerade Orgy

Photo from PxHere / CC0
September 10, 2018 at 5:07 am
While you may have attended the toga party during your orientation week, hopefully you didn't miss out on Penn's Annual NSO Masquerade Orgy. Always a hit amongst freshmen, staff, faculty, and alumni alike, we checked in with some (anonymous) underclassmen to get their reactions on the event.
“I was disappointed that Amy Gutmann only stopped by for a few minutes, but Dean Furda’s four hour-long performance made up for that.”
“This was way better than the masquerade orgies I went to in high school.”
“I was worried about making friends in college, but I feel like I really got to know a lot of people last night.”
“Medieval doctor mask guy: if you’re reading this, please DM me—I need to know who you are. Signed, creepy goalie mask girl.”
“I heard Harvard had medieval torture devices and awesome stuff like that, but this one was cool too.”
“Now I have diseases I didn’t even know existed.”