Wharton School Ranks #1 Charitable Cause Amongst Wharton Grads

Graphic by Sophie Trotto, Photos (with edits) by Biruk Tibebe / The Daily Pennsylvanian, PublicDomainPictures / CC0
October 2, 2018 at 2:42 pm
A study from the Wharton Behavioral Lab released today concluded that the Wharton School is the most popular charitable cause amongst Wharton graduates.
Many Wharton grads cited charitable donation as “at odds” with their strong capitalist values, saying it would likely be better for those less fortunate to “figure it out for themselves.” Donating to their alma mater, however, appears to be the happy medium.
Bryan Smith (W ‘03) says his donations are motivated by difficulties he faced in his undergraduate years. “I was once in a GSR without an Expo marker,” he said. “I don’t know how much those cost these days, but I hope $60,000 can cover it.”
A recent grad, Adam Werther (W ‘18), said he hopes to improve quality of life for all Wharton students. “The lines at Pret get so long in between classes. Think of all the other things I could be doing instead of waiting in line for an iced latte? I will not stop until there is a Pret a Manger for every single Wharton student on this campus. Time is money.”
If there’s one thing you learn at Wharton, it’s the importance of giving back.