Comedic Genius Calls Wharton Student a Snake

November 4, 2018 at 10:05 pm
Lenny Kravetz (C ‘22) entered college without a sense of direction. “I considered Econ or English, even Visual Studies at one point, but nothing felt right to me,” he said.
Last Monday, that all changed. Kravetz was studying with his friends in a Huntsman GSR when a group of Wharton students approached. The Wharton students explained that they had reserved this space and asked Kravetz and his friends to leave.
Though Kravetz was unsurprised to lose the GSR, he was outraged nonetheless. As he hurriedly gathered his belongings and made his way out the door, he murmured “Snake.”
The room froze. Kravetz looked to his friends, smiles twitching across their faces. The fluorescent lights flickered above. One by one, the students erupted in laughter. Huntsman Hall began to quake. It was the dawn of a new era.
In that moment, Kravetz realized his comedic prowess. “It just came to me. What animal is conniving and self-serving? I thought back to the Old Testament,” he explained. “Many years ago a snake kicked Adam and Eve out of Eden—today a snake kicked me out of a GSR.”
Someone call Saturday Night Live—we have a comedic genius on our hands.