They Do the DP Crossword Together Every Week. Last Friday, She Used It to Tell Her 'we should stop hooking up. idk i think ur kinda too clingy'

Photo by Senior Airman Jazmin Smith / CC0
November 14, 2018 at 1:43 pm
It was a typical Friday evening for two Penn Dental students that are hooking up multiple times a week but are definitely not a couple. At 12:37 a.m., Amber Johns, a third-year orthodontics student, received a text from Laurel Thomas, a seventh-year flossing student, saying, "hey im kinda drufnk wanna do something tonight."
After banging, the two Penn students started their weekly tradition of solving a crossword puzzle in an issue of The Daily Pennsylvanian, one of their favorite pastimes. But this specific crossword puzzle was different from others. On the very bottom line, attached to the hints 62-across and 63-across, was the phrase: "we should stop hooking up. idk i think ur kinda too clingy."
Johns, who reached out to the DP weeks in advance, wanted to reject Thomas in a unique way.
"Everyone just ghosts these days. I put a lot of thought into how I wanted to do it," Johns said.
Thomas has reportedly moved on and is doing the sudoku with her current basically-exclusive-but-still-not-that-serious hookup.