BREAKING: Piazza Response Not Entirely Passive Aggressive

Photo from Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain
November 11, 2018 at 2:41 pm
Usually when Ryan Chi (E ’22) asks questions on Piazza for one of his CIS classes, he gets asked rhetorical questions or forwarded to older posts.
“I remember asking a question about a homework problem, and a gentleman replied by asking me ‘What does it mean to know?’” Chi said. “I frankly don’t know what it means to know.”
Chi also told UTB reporters of an instance in which he asked a yes-or-no question, where instead of promptly answering the question, a TA decided to spend 20 minutes to link Chi to 26 old posts.
“It’s crazy because some of these guys got recognized by Piazza for basically being the fastest at throwing subs,” Chi complained.
However, everything changed when a TA gave Chi constructive feedback.
“Honestly, it was so wholesome, and I genuinely feel like I have a greater grasp of the concepts at hand. To that TA, I really want to say that I appreciate you.”
Despite Chi's wonderful recent experience, whether or not Piazza is a platform for the greater good remains to be seen.