Quiz: Is That Smell Aged Gorgonzola Or Your Roommate's Sheets?

Photo from PxHere / CC0
November 25, 2018 at 3:56 am
1. How far away do you have to go to stop smelling this smell?
A. I have to go outside, where I smell acorns and pierogies.
B. I can only smell it in our room, but I haven’t ever left the room so it could be further than that.
C. Smell? I thought I was looking for bagel recommendations on AskJeeves.
2. Are you getting musky, oaky notes, or more of a fermented urine with cotton vibe?
A. Can't talk right now, I'm underwater.
B. Smells like a mixture of my roommate’s sheets and aged gorgonzola. Tastes like raspberries.
C. Jeeves, please procure me a list of bakers in the area.
3. How’s your roommate’s hygiene?
A. I think he has a comb and some pans.
B. He seems to like cheese. But not to eat it. It fills more of a stuffed animal role for him.
C. how to make a bagel into an engagement ring
4. What’s your roommate’s favorite animal?
A. Aged gorgonzola
B. Sheets
C. Jeeves how do I come off as wealthy even while proposing to a cab driver with a bagel ring
If you answered mostly:
A: Looks like someone around you is carrying some juicy gorgonzola! Spin around in a circle three times and say “hocus pocus gorgonzocus” and they might just give you a nibble.
B: Your roommate’s sheets smell seriously bad! Sit down with him and let him know that if he gets to have smelly sheets, you should too.
C: Nana Ethel, please get out of my quiz. AskJeeves doesn’t even exist anymore, and you shouldn’t be using a bagel to propose to Wilfred the taxi driver, who you’ve only met once. I’m finally starting to make it as a quiz writer, and the last thing I need is you hijacking my work to ask your strange questions. Maybe we can talk about this when I come visit you in the spring, okay? All right. Love you. Bye.