Freshman Shocked That Class Right Before Thanksgiving Isn’t Spent Making Hand Turkeys

Photo by San José Public Library / CC BY-SA 2.0
November 19, 2018 at 9:17 pm
Louisa Ferman (E ‘22, W ‘22) walked into OIDD 101 this Tuesday with her creative juices already flowing. After several difficult midterms and papers last week, it was finally the week of Thanksgiving. For her whole life, the class right before Thanksgiving has been a highlight that outshined even Thanksgiving itself: making hand turkeys. While Ferman was not usually a particularly artistic person, she could make a damn good hand turkey.
There was just something about tracing her hand onto construction paper that seemed to click in her mind. Whether it was crayon or sharpie, pencil or pen, the turkey’s body always came out perfectly. After drawing a simple eye and half smiley face, it was time for the accessories. Every year, the details differed depending on Ferman’s inspiration. Last year, her hand turkey almost resembled a peacock with its blue and green feathers of different shades. She had also added sequins — but in a tasteful manner.
As she took her seat in the lecture hall this fated day, Ferman looked around for the art materials that she’d soon be turning into a beautiful artistic creation. As she looked at the blank tables at the front, the professor projected a powerpoint on the screen. It was at that moment that Ferman knew: there would be no hand turkeys. No, her hand would remain untraced and her fridge at home would remain unfilled by the year’s new creation. Ferman’s shock was palpable and deep.
“I couldn’t believe it,” Ferman told us. “This is the first time Penn has ever disappointed me, and it’s a biggie. I’ve been in a daze ever since; yesterday I woke up from a nap and there were 75 printouts of turkeys all over my room. I don’t remember printing them out and I don’t even think I have any printing money left. They just appeared.”
UTB extends our deepest regrets to Ferman at this time. Unfortunately, though, we cannot relate since most of us are in the College of Arts and Crafts, so we did make hand turkeys this week!