OP-ED: FYI, I Took Adderall For This Party So Don’t Worry If I Accidentally Create An App

Photo by Senior Airman Melissa Estevez / CC0
December 2, 2018 at 12:12 pm
Hey guys. Super pumped for the party tonight. I just wanted to let you know that I took an Adderall earlier, so if you see me developing an app tonight, that’s why.
I thought it’d be fun to take one tonight. Let’s really have a night, you know? Well, you know how I get when I do stimulants. There’s a good shot I ditch this party to harness one of my app ideas, gather a talented team of developers to take it from concept to product, then launch it, monetize it, and sell it to re-invest in my next project.
I’m not nervous or anything. I’ve done this a million times before. But I just wanted to tell you that there’s a good shot I get super stimulated and throw my heart and soul into an app that could really change the world. It wouldn’t be the first time that’s happened to me on a night like this.
It might be my idea for a platform to connect emerging creators. Or the one that democratizes micro-commerce. I’m honestly not sure which app I’ll become maniacally focused on while I’m on this stimulant bender. But, I feel better knowing that my friends know in advance that that’s a possibility.
Thanks so much for looking out for me. You’re a really good friend. And hey, if the app takes off, I want you on the team. I'll handle the business side, though.