Student Still Thinks 'Maybe I Know Someone In This One' After Staring Into 362 GSRs

Photo by George Hodan / CC0
December 13, 2018 at 7:56 am
Earlier this week, sophomore Jonathan Bradley decided to head over to Hunstman Hall to get some work done on his Engineering Ethics paper. As soon as Bradley was past the security guard, however, curiosity got the better of him.
On his way to find a study spot, Bradley managed to look into every single GSR he came across. “You know, I really was just trying to get my work done, but those GSR windows were so big that I couldn’t help but look in.” Bradley peered optimistically, hoping to catch a glimpse of a familiar face. Instead, he ended up making painful eye contact with numerous strangers for two seconds at a time, over and over again. Bradley's heart broke with every empty stare, but he refused to give up.
“Okay, I’ve made awkward eye contact for the last 362 GSRs, I could cut my losses and go to the Starbucks under Commons, but I have a really good feeling about this next one.” This relentless optimism and naivety spurred Bradley to continue looking — GSR after GSR — his desire for a moment of human connection stretched beyond the realm of common sense.
Either that or he just really didn't want to write his Engineering Ethics paper. We will never know the truth.