OP-ED: These Articles Embarrass My Family and Haunt My Future Job Search, so Please at Least like Them

Photo by laurawashere95 / CC BY 2.0
February 26, 2019 at 10:05 am
I love writing articles for Under the Button like I love eating ice cream alone at 2 a.m.: with a little bit of passion and a whole lotta’ shame.
But let’s be honest: when I’m in job interviews, I say I write for the Daily Pennsylvanian. When my family asks what articles I’m working on, I usually tell them I’m not sure… even when I know for certain that I’ve been assigned Braden’s boner as a writing prompt.
I want to work in the government, people, and we all know you need background checks for that shit! Not to mention that I want my grandma to feel pride when describing my accomplishments to her nice, old friends. If there’s one thing Under the Button has taught me, it’s that my bad choices can become good ones if they make enough people laugh. So for the love of God, please like, comment, and subscribe.