Penn InTouch Login to Include Sending a Nude Photo to

Photo by Jonah Weinbaum / The Daily Pennsylvanian
February 6, 2019 at 3:46 am
Well, I guess you could say this is a bit awkward.
Looks like the dude who made Penn InTouch is asking for nudes every time you sign in as part of the new two-step verification process.
I’m not really into the idea, and the developer won’t respond to our emails about the point of this step.
EDIT: The developer of Penn InTouch has responded to our request for comment. Here is their emailed statement:
Dear under the buttons,
Sending me nudes is absolutely critical for maintaining the security of penn in touch. First of all,hackers will be distracted by the nudes and perhaps elect to self-stimulate rather than continuing to hack. Second of all, i now have collateral in case one of these punk students does anything to mess with pen nintouch, whom i consider a dear friend bordering on blood relative. i can also say for sure that the new nude-sending policy is absolutely NOT related for my love of the toes of teenagers — the beautiful round knuckle of the ring toe, the delicate layers of creases and crevasses in the soles of their feet, the duck-like webbing that joins each protruding toe, like a scuba diver's shoe or blades of grass in a vast field. i am NOT a pervert.
P.I.T. dev
University of Pennsylvania class of 1967