Innovative! Administration Uses Outdated Memes to Engage Students

Graphic by Adam First / The Daily Pennsylvanian; Images Fair Use
March 12, 2019 at 9:40 am
Just like AirPennNet, the University’s administration also often has trouble connecting with the student body. As the last fax machine was recently moved to a farm upstate, members of the administration are looking toward new ways to communicate important messages to the public. The decision was made to go with images that can be altered and adjusted and accompanied by informative text, which many members have just learned are referred to as “memes.”
The University has gone all in on these memes, even creating a department for the subject within the engineering school. Many of the MEAM majors, however, aren’t helpful in developing more meme content for them. Apparently, the rage comic faces are not available within Solidworks.
Administration members are so excited to have stumbled upon this hidden gem of the digital age. Some were generous enough to share some of their thoughts below:
“It’s perfect, the kids even have a meme page where they can share all of our public service announcements.”
“Maybe all classes now should also be taught by attaching text to imagery because those things are so groovy. I’ll bring it up at the next board meeting. Brian, you’re still bringing the mozzarella sticks right?”
“They’re so timeless too! I mean, who would ever get tired of Bad Luck Brian and I can has cheezburger cat!”