This Desperate Guy Keeps Asking Me to Meet Up, Claims He's My 'Advisor'

March 27, 2019 at 9:26 am
Some people really can’t take a hint. This guy has been hitting me up non-stop for like two weeks now and it’s getting really sad. Every other day its “Hey you should stop by,” or “Hello you need to come into my office,” or the classic line “Jon – you need to schedule a meeting with me ASAP. If you fail to do so I will not remove your hold on Penn in touch and you will not be able to select classes for next semester." So cringey.
Wanna know the worst part? This creep only contacts me through email. Like what the fuck dude, how psycho is that. He definitely has a weird authority fetish,. He keeps claiming he's my "advisor" or something and that "the University mandates that I must meet with him". If you have any tips on how to handle a situation like this, please reach out, because I’m really out of ideas. I’ve responded to this guy multiple times telling him that I’m not interested in him or whatever weird sex thing “advanced registration” is, but he’s relentless.
At this point I’m pretty much over it, I might just go meet him out of pity. Hopefully he doesn’t take me hostage or anything. The add drop period is coming up soon – the first and only way to enroll in classes.