Penn Records Achieves Largest Stamp Collection, Most Balls Juggled

Photo by Mingo Hagen / CC BY 2.0
March 21, 2019 at 9:44 am
They’ve done it again.
Penn Records, the nation’s only collegiate organization focused only on setting world records, broke the world records for Largest Stamp Collection and Most Balls Juggled at Once, as confirmed by Guinness Book of World Records on Tuesday.
These titles are the most recent in a long list of new records set by the club, including Most Pairs of Socks Worn at Once and Longest Time Spent Chain-Smoking Cigarettes.
Engineering junior Dennis Garvey, who broke the stamp collection record by amassing over four hundred million postage stamps, said he was proud of his accomplishment.
“I don’t give a fart about stamps; I just started collecting them because I was in Penn Records, which I only joined because I got rejected from every real club,” Garvey said. “But it’s cool that third graders across America will catch a glimpse of my name as they flip through the world record book.”
College senior and Penn Records President Jerome Green was similarly excited about his record, which he set by juggling 17 balls at once, saying, “Since a freshman, I’ve been Penn Records' juggling specialist. Setting the records for most snails juggled and most prosthetic arms juggled were not too hard, but my white whale has always been the balls record. I was so happy to break it before graduating.”
We are looking forward to seeing what record Penn Records will break next.