Breaking: Joe Biden Declares Presidential Bid, Would Be First Penn Alum to Hold Position

Photo (with edits) from Public Domain
April 25, 2019 at 7:40 pm
Vice President Joe Biden, Benjamin Franklin Presidential Practice Professor at Penn, has just declared his candidacy for President. If successful, he would be the first person associated with Penn to hold the oval office.
The monumental opportunity this provides for the school cannot be understated. Of the Ivy League schools, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Columbia all have associations with previous presidents. Biden’s candidacy represents the opportunity for Penn to join the ranks of these other Ivy League schools. We spoke with several Penn students and faculty to hear their opinions.
“I’m just excited for the publicity this is gonna bring. Most of my relatives still think I go to Penn State, so maybe this’ll help clear things up a little bit,” Wharton sophomore Alicia Goodwin said.
“I think it’s pretty crazy that Penn has never graduated a president before. It feels like this is about time!” Daniel Williams (E’ 22) said.
We reached out to President Gutmann to hear her thoughts on the matter, but she was too busy practicing small talk in front of the mirror to respond.