This Week at the Kelly Writers House: Edible, Sex-Positive Zine Workshop

Photo by Alex Lozupone / CC-BY-SA 4.0
April 7, 2019 at 10:10 am
Come one, come all to the Writers House’s inaugural edible, sex-positive zine workshop! Join Antaveous Green-Smith (C ‘21) and Andrea Alisthophonos (C ‘19) to make delicious and sexy zines in the vein of Julia Child’s The Art of French Kissing.
We will be providing fruit leather, squid ink, and rice paper, as well as old porno mags, to inspire you and to make your zines as delicious and book-like as possible.
Topics of your zines can include, and are limited to, ethical non-monogamy in Papua New Guinea, the intersectional bisexuality of John Quincy Adams, and the best places to masturbate on campus.
Please RSVP to to reserve your spot. We hope to see you there!