Penn Prof. Joe Biden Takes Official Leave From Doing Nothing to Run for President

Photo by Ananya Chandra / The Daily Pennsylvanian
April 26, 2019 at 11:21 am
Early yesterday morning, Penn Presidential Professor of Practice Joe Biden finally put rumors to rest when he announced his bid for the presidency in the 2020 race.
What does this mean for Penn? According to a University-wide email from Amy Gutmann, Biden will be on official, unpaid leave from his extensive professorial duties at Penn, which include doing absolutely nothing.
Between his biannual speaking events with Dr. Gutmann and literally nothing else, the former Vice President of the United States will be walking away from a major role at the University as he sets his sights on the Oval Office.
His announcement has left many in the Penn community wondering how campus will change once Professor Biden leaves his satellite office in Washington, D.C. behind in favor of a shiny, new campaign office in Washington, D.C..
Some students voiced concern about Biden's decision to step away from his responsibilities as a member of Penn's faculty. "If Biden's running for president," questioned junior Engineering student Delia Perkins, "then who's gonna show up to Irvine Auditorium unannounced on Election Day to take Insta pics with us?"
While Biden withdraws from his zero on-campus commitments today, Jeb Bush was reportedly seen sobbing in a booth at the Perelman Poli Sci building.