Quiz: What Does the FMC on FMC Tower Really Stand For?

Photo (with edits) by TastyPoutine / CC BY-SA 3.0
April 23, 2019 at 9:31 am
In a developing story, Under The Button staffers have discovered not a single person in the Penn Bubble knows what FMC stands for. As a result, Provost Wendell Pritchett has decided to officially rename the building, but he needs your help to decide. Here are the front runners (please note that the building must be renamed to one of these and write-ins are not allowed):
Fascist Money Corporation
Fearing My Creator
Floppy Mop Consultants
Forbidden Moose Celebration
Feline Motel Crawl
Free My Children
Futile Microphone Class
Feeling Mighty Crusty
Five-alarm Meaty Chili
Finance Management Consulting
Forever Missing California
Fuck McKinsey & Co.
Fat Meaty Claws
Free Market Capitalism
Vote now on your phones!